Saturday, February 28, 2009

Snow Baby

All's quiet on the western front at the moment. Jaden's learned how to knock over his toys to get attention and his giggling technique has improved. He doesn't seem to be phased by the current economic downturn either, what an inspiration!

(Above) Angela was happy to finally put Jaden in his cute little snow suit before he could outgrow it. (Below) After his nighttime bottle, Jaden becomes one with the dead.

Giggle Baby 2000!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Exclusive Photo-Op

With sleepies still resting in his eyes, Jaden was greeted this morning by daddy's camera; irritating flash and all!

Jaden has this little quirk where he spends his first twenty minutes (first thing in the morning) staring into space. It's quite comical, so I figured I'd shamelessly exploit his cuteness for the benefit of this blog! You're welcome...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rock On!

This is a video short of Jaden enjoying his "Jolly Jumper". It's been a wonderful Valentine's Day, the picture below helps depict just how much my family loves me, yum.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Jaden has discovered how to work those cute little things at the base of his legs, so Mommy took a quick capture. A special thanks goes out to Billy Joel for personally writing the soundtrack to this video:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bumbo Baby

Our little one has gone from practically sleeping through the night to waking up every two hours. I can't say I'm surprised though, many people have warned us about this phase.

I'm getting very excited for my expecting sister over in Switzerland. Woohoo! She's 20 weeks along and looking great. Hopefully we can get our act together in time for a much deserved visit.

Last night Jaden was crying due to sleepies and crabbies, so I did what any loving father would do in that situation; I took pictures. Guess what? The flash on the camera actually made him stop crying for a while. Who knew?