Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Bee's Knees

We went trick-or-treating! Surprised? Well you shouldn't be, it was Halloween after all; that's when people do that sort of thing.

Cousin Magnus in his "tigger" costume.

Complete with wardrobe malfunction!

A proud grandma with multi-tasking abilities - need me to hold toddler? Camera? Dog? Bucket? Gotcha covered...

Thank goodness he can walk now; he's a heavy little guy.

One of these two is not so optimistic about trick-or-treating....

"You know, I'm not one to hand out compliments lightly, but this bee works."

You dress me like a giant bee and then hand me a green bucket.....could this evening possibly get any weirder?

On your mark, get set....

Did I mention I was a proud Daddy?

Prior to the sun going down, Jaden tested out his new organic diet.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jadeno Mexicana

Mommy and Jaden just got back from a wonderful trip to Cabo San Lucas to take part in our friend's wedding. The weather was hot, the atmosphere was cool and the friendship was warm. Awww....he can write cheesy things.

Oh look, pictures! Completely out of order because blogger won't let me rearrange them!
Grandma Hibbs and a hot, topless Jaden at the wedding.
Mommy and Jaden enjoying a beautiful sunset

Playing in the pool with grandma, getting him to wear a hat is a never-ending battle

More Oceanic back-drops, they're real I swear!

Asleep with his Lamby

Outside of the Hotel room, happy as clams.

Middle-of-the-day heat: gets 'ya every time

Jaden just after arriving in Mexico. If you give him a cell phone to play with, he's a happy camper.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

First Birthday. Ever.

With loot in hand and cake in his belly, Jaden came out a winner on his first birthday party.

"But Trevor, I'm a skeptic, can you give me photo-documented evidence of your previous claim?"

Why yes, I can!

Hmmm....what's Landon up to?

Perhaps I should make it clear at this point that that toy is mine....

Uh...excuse me!


Napkin? No thank you I'm fine.

Really, I don't need a napkin, thank you.

Can you believe it actually took some coaxing to get him to eat cake??

Of course, once he had the whole "dessert" concept down, he was off to the races...

Sydney is optimistic about the party hats. Jaden; not so much.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Party Day!

Well, in a few minutes we celebrate Jaden's first birthday. It will be bittersweet...

Currently, my Dad is in the hospital with unknown complications...

And my mother-in-law is in Whitehorse!

But there are still a lot of people expected to turn out, so it should be fun.

Is he really 1? I just don't believe it. I'm pretty sure we just brought him home from the hospital yesterday...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Shop & Lift

Where's the bar-code on this item I wonder?

I think you guys left some groceries in here...

Am I smiling? Snarling? Or both?

"This is not a step"

Ok, bum's out, arm's out....what am I missing?

Ah yes....frustration.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Baby Steps

Jaden is now officially a "walker". So far the record is 14 consecutive steps across the kitchen floor; no easy feat. Will the record be smashed any time soon?.......Most likely, probably, yes.

He's been a real source of joy for Mommy and I during this busy season. He's growing up so stinkin' fast that it's almost depressing. Am I really almost thirty?

Ho hum; well, here's some happy pictures from this morning before we headed out the door...

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Jaden Jig

Our little guy has taken to swaying to and fro as well as integrating the odd booty shake. Whatever the dance of choice however, his love for music is clear.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Jad-Dog Boyz

Yo, we be keepin' this one real for 'yall, dig? Fow show. Peace!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hospital Part 2

This was our little guy being tough as nails in Emergency. The doctor said, "prepare yourselves for five days of high fever, vomiting and diarrhea."

Oh boy!

He's feeling a little bit better now but still not quite himself.

Shout out's:

The 24 hr. Nurse line - for giving us sound advice and empathy that you wouldn't normally expect from a government source.

Grandma Hibbs - for all the visits and babysitting recently, it's nice to have love and support from others in these times.

Tim Horton's - For all the high carb, high sugar, high octane goodness.

And the letter "A" - Just because.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wakey Wakey

Jaden has professed his love for keyboards and guitars, so grandma and grandpa Hibbs were more than happy to bring over a few Jaden-worthy replicas. So far it's serving as a good distraction for our curious little one.

On an unrelated topic, the following video presents an average morning of getting Jaden out of bed.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Yummmmm.....Aww man, they're taking pictures of me again.

We all live in a yellow submarine....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Phd. In Toiletology

Jaden has already figured out how to flush the toilet. This could be a good thing.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Splish Splash I Was...

Jaden knows water and water knows Jaden; observe:

And the following morning...

Monday, July 20, 2009


Ok, so my sister (I'm assuming; they were signed in as anonymous), corrected me on my poor spelling of my new niece. On the original text message I got from her, it read: "Esm_e". We all looked at it and said, "what does that mean?" So then we looked it up on a baby name finder and my Mom said, I'm pretty sure it has two "e's", so I typed it in with two "e's" and it corrected me; asking me the question, "did you mean Esme'?"

So, sorry sis, I was under the assumption that it was just one "e" with an accent - which I just figured out how to type. Apparently you have to hold down "alt" and type "0233"?? That's crazy! Oh well, you learn something new everyday!

Esmée! Got it!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Uber Update 5000

Hello everyone,

Our little one is a handful these days (in a good way) and has provided hours of entertainment for Mommy and I. The following video will help demonstrate this point...

Anything that Jaden can bounce up and down on repeatedly is immediately his new best friend.

Camera Shy? Not so much.

Jaden has really taken a liking to his new friend, the "kirkland" baby.

"Daddy, why doesn't he play with me?"

Introducing: Esme Maria Senn; my new baby niece - complete with cuteness! Congrats to my Sister and her husband for the birth of a beautiful little girl - I'm in love with her already!