Saturday, March 28, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ice Caps & Sleepies

Who would've thought watching someone roll over from their stomach to back could be so exciting? "Not I", said the cool, calm and collected father.

Our little guy has been a lot of fun. He's now taken to making fart noises with his mouth, which I must say, is far more tolerable than his pseudo-constipation grunts. Where does he get his material? Anyway, here's yet another batch of pictures...

Like father, like son. Jaden's getting started early on his Ice Cap binge...

He almost never falls asleep in this position, so even in church, a photo-op is a photo-op...

It's some body's bed time....

This shot was taken right after Jaden rolled himself over for the first time, note the stunned, quizzical expression on our child's face...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Portrait of a Baby

Life has been relatively care-free for Jaden these days. His little plugged nose is clearing up and he's taken to spoon feeding quite well. Daddy and Jaden are still enjoying their snuggle times in the mornings before work and Mommy's got her little boy pretty much down to a tight schedule. All's well! Our friend Steph did up a wonderful sketch of Jaden and framed it for us as a gift. What an awesome surprise! She's very talented. It has now taken up the spot above the mantle...

Having friends who care is a concept I often take for granted. Thank's Carroll family!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Jaden is enjoying the "high-chair" and "solids" concept. I must say, it's been far more painless than I could've imagined.

Here are some shots of him from this morning:

This finger just 'aint doing the trick...

Maybe I could get some fibre out of this strap...

There we go, that's the good stuff!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Picture Catch-Up

Feel free to admire my shockingly original title. So here we are with some more pictures (hence the clever title). This first one is the direct result of Mommy having a little too much fun with Jaden. His hair isn't usually like this, I swear!

Jaden can't stand being on his stomach for any length of time, so this picture is nothing shy of a miracle.
Someone is becoming increasingly aware of the camera.

Jaden and Daddy love their morning snuggles.