Saturday, October 25, 2008

With the cold comes the cold

After only two weeks of life outside the womb, it would seem that Jaden has managed to catch his first cold. He's even had the courtesy of sharing it with his Daddy! Yayyy!!

It's kind of hard to hear the little guy struggle for breath through his little, plugged nose, but he doesn't seem to complain much; at least, not as much as us adults tend to complain ;)

On another note, Magnus and his Mommy have finished their 10-day visit to the Lower-Mainland and are now back in Whitehorse. I took a couple of last-minute shots of him before they had to go.

Now if we could just find a way to get the WHOLE family to visit at Christmas, hmmm....'nuff said. ;o)

Daddy found a way to keep a close eye on Jaden AND be in the kitchen at the same time...

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